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School of Forestry Gao, Lushuang Forest Resources Monitoring and Evaluation, Forest Structure and Growth Model Simulation
School of Forestry Meng, Jinghui Forest Sustainable Management; Forest Growth and Yield Model, Forest Information Technique
School of Forestry Duan,Jie Silviculture; Timber forest and energy forest cultivation; Forest growth modeling; Cultivation and promotion of Magnolia wufengensis; Urban plants and functions
School of Forestry Xi, Benye Sustainable water and fertilizer management in plantations; Root system structure and function; Tree growth modeling; The relationship between particulate matter and plants
School of Forestry Zhang, Lingyun Fruit tree: the mechanism of fruit development and quality control; the molecular mechanism in response to abiotic stress
School of Forestry Feng, Zhongke Forest Manager,Geographic Information Science
School of Forestry Zhang, Xiaoli Forestry remote sensing& informatization; Resources monitoring & information management; Technology integration & application of geoscience
School of Forestry Lu, Pengfei Insect Chemical Ecology
School of Forestry Shi, Juan Forestry Alien Biological Invasion, Plant Quarantine, Invasive Biomolecule Detection
School of Forestry Huang, Huaguo 3D modelling of remote sensing in all spectrum, including visual, NIR, thermal, lidar, and microwave; remote sensing of forest
School of Forestry Sun, Yujun Planning and design of sustainable forest management; Forest multiple functions uses and planning; Forests management, inventory and monitoring; Forest modelling and carbon sequestration estimation
School of Forestry Zhang, Chunyu Forest management theory and technology, biodiversity and ecosystem function
School of Forestry Jia, Zhongkui Cultivation theory and technology of timber stand;Management theory and technology of forest maintenance
School of Forestry Xu, ChengYang Establishment and Management of Urban Forest,Interaction of Tree and Urban Environment,Assessment of Urban Forest Ecosystem
School of Forestry Wang. Jia Forest resources monitoring; Forest and ecological environment; Forest carbon sink
School of Forestry Tian,Di Global Change and Forestry Ecology; Plant Ecological stoichiometry;
School of Forestry Wang, Minggang Plant-insect interactions; Above-belowground interactions; Plant-soil feedbacks; Plant-AMF (arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi) symbiosis;Biological control of Pinewood nematode
School of Forestry Cao, Yunfeng
School of Forestry Yue, Depeng
School of Forestry Yu, Qiang
School of Forestry Yan, Fei
School of Forestry Wang, Ruirui
School of Forestry Huang, Jixia
School of Forestry Wang, Haiyan
School of Forestry Luan, Yaning
School of Forestry Li, Suyan
School of Forestry Dai, Wei Forest Soil, Soil Ecosystem

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