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The tree molecular breeding team from the College of Biological Sciences and Technology revealed that comprehensive plant-microbe-metabolite regulation network regulating poplar defense


Recently, tree molecular breeding team from (Professor Zhang Deqiang/Professor Xie Jianbo; the College of Biological Sciences and Technology) and Francis Martin team from the University of Lorraine in France published their recent study entitled "Multifeature analysis of age-related microbiome structures reveals defense mechanisms of Populus tomentosa trees" in the top international journal "New Phytologist" (Q1, Impact factor:10.323). The study provides key information about long-lived species and their ecosystem impacts through the investigation of the defense strategy of perennials.

The research results indicated that Actinobacteria were increasingly enriched in the root endosphere over the course of poplar development and the abundant Actinobacteria could affect the phenotype of their host in return. It was further demonstrated that a single poplar gene significantly impacted the rhizosphere microbiome and the expression of a flavonoid metabolite gene significantly altered the microbial community on the roots of transgenic poplar trees.

The first authors of this paper are Professor Xie Jianbo and Associate Professor Ma Yuchao from the College of Biological Sciences and Technology of BFU, and Professor Zhang Deqiang of the College of Biological Sciences and Technology of BFU and Professor Francis Martin of the University of Lorraine in France are the co-corresponding authors of the paper. The financial support for this work was provided by National Key R&D Program of China (No.2022YFD2201600; 2022YFD2200602; 2021YFD2201203), the Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (32022057), Forestry and Grassland Science and Technology Innovation Youth Top Talent Project of China (No. 2020132607).

Paper link: https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.18847
