江南的注册网址 江南的注册网址_江南软件合法

Life at BFU

How to collect medical data and precautions

Outpatient service
(1) Case. Outpatient medical records/case need to be kept for each visit
(2) Invoice. keep the invoice and note that two stamps are required on the invoice. Keep the official invoice and check to see if it is sealed with two stamps. You can't be reimbursed if you lose it.
(3) Keep laboratory tests, inspection reports and prescriptions. Submit them for reimbursement.

(1) Network hospital hospitalization: if you want to apply for advanced payment of medical expense for hospitalization to the insurance company, please call 4008105119 and apply for advance. But the inpatient hospital must be the www.lxbx.net network hospital that buys medical insurance.
(2) If the hospitalization is self-paid by a non-network hospital, please explain the reimbursement requirements to the doctor in advance. Ask the doctor to use less medicines that are full or partially at your own expense. For reimbursement, the types of beds that cannot be selected include: special needs, foreign guests, senior staff, single room, VIP, grade A ward.
(3) The materials provided by the hospital for hospitalization include the original invoice (seal), the original detailed list of expenses, the discharge summary or the photocopy of hospitalization medical records.
