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201 Genome-Wide Identification, Characterization and Expression Analysis of the TCP Gene Family in Prunus mume Frontiers in Plant Science 16-08-31 张启翔 3.67
202 Evo-Devo-EpiR: a genome-wide search platform for epistatic control on the evolution of development Briefings in Bioinformatics 16-07-29 Rongling Wu 6.31
203 Association studies in Populus tomentosa reveal the genetic interactions of Pto-MIR156c and its targets in wood formati Frontiers in Plant Science 16-07-19 张德强 宋跃朋 杜庆章 3.67
204 The role of DNA methylation in xylogenesis in different tissues of poplar Frontiers in Plant Science 16-07-12 张德强 宋跃朋 3.67
205 Global transcriptome analysis of Sabina chinensis (Cupressaceae), a valuable reforestation conifer Mol Breeding 16-07-01 毛建丰 1.92
206 Development of novel EST-SSR markers for Ephedra sinica (Ephedraceae) by transcriptome database mining Trends in Genetics 16-07-01 Rongling Wu 10.56
207 杉木多倍体变异苗诱导及倍性鉴定 核农学报 16-06-01 李云
208 Genetic variations and miRNA-target interactions contribute to natural phenotypic variations in Populus New Phytologist 16-04-28 张德强 7.43
209 Male Parent Identification of Triploid Rubber Trees (Hevea brasiliensis) and the Mechanism of 2n Gametes Formation Forests 16-03-24 康向阳 1.95
210 Stable methylation of a non-coding RNA gene regulates gene expression in response to abiotic stress in Populus simonii Journal of Experimental Botany 16-12-28 宋跃朋(第一作者)/张德强(通讯作者) 6.044 5.354
211 Methylation of microRNA genes regulates gene expression in bisexual flower development in andromonoecious poplar Journal of Experimental Botany 15-01-22 宋跃朋(第一作者)/张德强(通讯作者) 6.044 5.354
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