

  • 姓名9span class="fnt_12">陈一笚/span>
  • 职称9span class="fnt_12">讲师








[1] Chen, Y., Gao, L., Sheng, Z., Ma, J., Guo, X. (H)., Lippke, S., & Gan, Y. (2022). Interdependent self-construal moderates the relationship between pro-generation investment and future orientation: A cross-cultural comparison. Journal of Adolescence, 1 14.
[2] Chen, Y., Brian, H., Li, W., Wu, J., Ma, J., Zhu, H., Gan, Y., (2022). The effects of the COVID-19 epidemic outbreak on public trust in physicians in China: A latent transition analysis, Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology.
[3] Chen, Y., Wu, J., Ma, J., Zhu, H., Li, W., & Gan, Y. (2021). The mediating effect of media usage on the relationship between anxiety/fear and physician-patient trust during the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychology & Health, 1-20.
[4] Chen, Y.,+ Wang, L.,+ Jiang, D., Zhu, S., WeGene Research Team, Chen., G., * Gan, Y.,* (2021). Vulnerability to Early Stressful Life Events: The Moderating Role of HOMER1 Gene in Gene x Environment Interaction, European Journal of Developmental Psychology.
[5] Chen, Y., Gao, L., Lippke, S., Xiang, Z., & Gan, Y. (2021). Harmonious personality and work–family conflicts: The multiple mediating roles of social support and self
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陈一笚/span>, &甘怡群. (2018).和谐人格、社会支持、自我控制与工作‒/span>家庭冲突—–/span>基于职业群体皃/span>3种模型比辂/span>.北京大学学报(自然科学版(/span>, 54(5), 1123-1132.
[7] Zheng, L., Chen, Y., Gan, Y. (2022). Problem Solving: Helping Understand Why Future Orientation Regulates Emotion and Benefits Performances. Current Psychology.
[8] Gan, Y., Ma, J., Peng, H,, Zhu, H., Ju, Q., & Chen, Y. (2022). Ten Ignored Questions for Stress Psychology Research. Psych Journal.
[9] Zheng, L., Luszczynska, A., Miao, M., Chen, Y., & Gan, Y. (2021). Effects of Environmental Worry on Fruit and Vegetable Intake. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine.
[10] Zheng, L., Chen, Y., & Gan, Y. (2021). Future orientation helps regulate emotion in the future. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 51(9), 920 - 926
[11] Gan, Y., Ma, J., Wu, J., Chen, Y., Zhu, H., & Hall, B. J. (2020). Immediate and delayed psychological effects of province-wide lockdown and personal quarantine during the COVID-19 outbreak in china. Psychological Medicine, 1-12.
[12] Gan, Y., Chen, Y., Wang, C., Latkin, C., & Hall, B. J. (2020). The fight against COVID-19 and the restoration of trust in chinese medical professionals. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 51, 102072-102072.
[13] Gan, Y., Chen, Y., Han, X., Yu, N. X., & Wang, L. (2019). Neuropeptide Y gene × environment interaction predicts resilience and positive future focus. Applied Psychology : Health and Well-being, 11(3), 438-458.

[14]Zheng, L., Lippke, S., Chen, Y., Li, D., & Gan, Y. (2019). Future orientation buffers depression in daily and specific stress. PsyCh Journal, 8(3), 342-352.
