

  • 姓名9span class="fnt_12">于晓
  • 职称9span class="fnt_12">讲师




2012.09-2016.06 ,获山东师范大学心理学学士?016.09-2021.06 ,获北京师范大学发展与教育心理学博士(硕博连读)?021.7-至今 北京林业大学讲师、/span>




科研项目9br /> 教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目,“双减”背景下学龄儿童类比思维的提升研究(22C10022002),2022-2025,在研,主持、br /> 中国博士后科学基金面上二等资助(2022M710411),在研?022-2024,主持、br /> 中央高校基本业务经费,“双减”背景下学龄儿童类比思维的发展特点及干预促进:类比表现和类比过程的综合考察(BLX202135),在研?022-2024,主持、br /> 北京林业大学校级教改项目(BJFU2021JY065),大学生批判性思维和创新性思维的培养与实践——以“心理学研究方法”课程为载体,在研,2021-2022,主?br /> 国家自然科学基金面上项目,量级感知影响数量表征的行为及脑机制:从人类个体发展的视角(32171061),在研?021-2016,参不br /> 北京师范大学2018 年度博一学科交叉基金项目(BNUXKJC1817),《教育游戏对3-5岁儿童类比推理发展的促进作用》,结题,主持人
学术发表9br />Yu, X.,Chen, Y., Yang, C., Yang, X., Chen, X., & Dang, X. (2022). How does parental involvement matter for children's academic achievement during school closure in primary school?.British Journal of Educational Psychology, e12526.
Yu, X.,Liu, K., Wang, Y., Yang, X., & Yang, J. (2022). Differential contributions of phonological processing and visual-spatial abilities to four basic arithmetic operations in primary school children.Current Psychology, 1-13.
Li, J., Li, Z., Lei, X., Yang, J.,Yu, X.*, & Liu, H. (2022). Longitudinal association between child psychological abuse and neglect and academic achievement in Chinese primary school children: A moderated mediation model.Frontiers in Psychology,13, Article 870371.
Wang, H., Chen, Y., Yang, X.,Yu, X., Zheng, K., Lin, Q., ... & He, T. (2022). Different associations of parental involvement with children’s learning of Chinese, English, and math: A three-wave longitudinal study.European Journal of Psychology of Education, 1-17.
Yu, X., Chen, Y., Xie, W., & Yang, X. (2022). Bidirectional relationship between visual perception and mathematics performance in Chinese kindergartners.Current Psychology, 1-8.
Dang, X., Yang, C., Che, M., Chen, Y., &Yu, X.(2021). Developmental trajectory of the forward testing effect: The role of reset-of-encoding.European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 1-16.
Yang, X., &Yu, X.,(2020). The Relationship Between Mental Rotation and Arithmetic: Do Number Line Estimation, Working Memory, or Place-Value Concept Matter?British Journal of Educational Psychology, 4, 1-18.
Yu, X.,Zhang, M., Chen, Y., Deng, Z., Chen, Y., Zhang, H., ... & Chen, X. (2020). The role of inhibitory control in the development of analogical reasoning: From general to specific.British Journal of Developmental Psychology,38(4), 594-615.
Yu, X.,Geng, L., Chen, Y., Han, C., & Zhu, X. (2020). The Role of Perceptual Interference, Semantic Interference, and Relational Integration in the Development of Analogical Reasoning.Frontiers in Psychology,11, Article 756.
于晓, 张涵, 陈英? 戚玥, 刘爱? 刘丽? (2021). 类比推理的眼动研究:揭示个体类比推理策略发展的有效手?心理发展与教肱/em>, 37(6), 897-903. ?022年人大复印资料转载)
于晓, 王红? 陈英? 刘瑞? 韩瑽? 韩敏, 张涵, 刘静. (2020). 分心抑制和关系整合对学前儿童类比推理的影?心理发展与教育,36(4), 385-393.
韩瑽? 陈英?于晓*, 邓之? 刘静, 侯江? 林燕? (2020). 表面相似性对数量关系和相对大小关系理解的影响.心理发展与教肱/em>, 36(3), 257-264.
陈逸群,于晓, 陈英? 党茜? 韩敏, 侯江? (2020). 儿童类比推理的影响因素及干预促进.心理科学, 43(2), 386-392

