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Lisheng Kong
作者:| 发表时间:18-10-09| 阅读次数:


 Lisheng Kong教授是加拿大维多利亚大学林业生物学中心首席研究员,长期从事林木生物技术研发、植物生理与生殖学研究,主要研究林木体细胞胚胎发生技术,解析林木体细胞重编程及干细胞定向分化的分子机理,是国际林木体胚发生领域的知名专家。已在Plant Biotechnology Journal等著名国际期刊发表学术文章60余篇,拥有气动生物反应器等体胚发生相关专利6项。具有丰富的林木体胚发生技术产业化的经验。


Extensive working experience in both industrial and academic environment; Expertise in method development and production of millions of somatic seedlings in forest species; Expertise ininandex vitrocultures and forest biotechnologies; A record of 70 plus academic publications (ca. 30 SCI papers) and seven patents.


1978-1982 Biology, B.Sc., Southwest University, China

1982-1984 Developmental botany, M.Sc., Southwest University, China

1989-1994 Plant reproductive biology, Ph.D., University of Calgary, Canada

1994-1997 Somatic embryogenesis, Postdoc fellow, University of Saskatchewan, Canada


Research Scientist/Research associate (University of Victoria, University of Georgia)

Senior Scientist (CellFor Inc., Canada)

Professor (客座教授, 重庆市风景园林科学研究院)

Foreign expert (中国林业科学研究院, 江南的注册网址,吉林省林业科学研究院)


Phytohormone profiling, cone induction and cone gender control

* Published 8 articles (7 SCI papers) since 2011, one of which was selected as journal cover image and cover story;

* Developed novel methods for cone induction in lodgepole pine and Douglas-fir;

* Organized a workshop in forest seed orchards to introduce the new techniques.

Study on seed pathology and seed maturation

(A project funded by BC forestry, Canada)

* Sydowiawas found a major fungal species in the infected seeds

of lodgpole pine

* Seed maturation parameters and germination capability were investigated

for early cone collection to avoid seed shortfall and poor seed quality.


2016 Invited foreign expert of biotechnologies (Beijing Forestry University, Chinese Academy of Forest Science, Jilin Forestry Institute) -– Co-author of five journal papers

2015-2018 Guest professor (Chongqing academy of landscape and gardens) – Co-author of three patents and two publications

2014 Invited foreign expert of biotechnologies (Jilin Forestry Institute, Beijing Forestry University, Chinese Academy of Forest Science, Northwest-China University of Agricultureand Forestry) – Developed and/or improved protocols.

2013 Invited foreign expert of biotechnologies (Jilin Forestry Institute) - Developed and/or improved protocols.


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