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  林木群体基因组学与分子设计育秌br /> 以杨树种质资源群体为研究材料,综合运用分子遗传学、基因组学、表观遗传学与全基因组关联作图(GWAS)等联合生物学研究手段,结合林木育种学与计算生物学方法,系统解析林木群体数量性状的基因组与表观基因组等位变异特征与遗传调控机制,重点筛选与重要目标性状显著连锁的功能标记,从而建立高效稳定的林木分子设计育种技术体系?nbsp;


  2004. 09-2008.07:山东农业大学林学专业,本科/学士

  2008. 09-2014.07:北京林业大学林木遗传育种专业,研究?博士(导师:张德强教授)

  2014. 07-2016. 07:北京林业大学林业工程流动站,博士后(合作导师:孙润仓教授)

  2013. 07-2016.12:北京林业大学林木遗传育种学科,讲师、硕士生导师

  2017. 01-至今:北京林业大学林木遗传育种学科,副教授、硕士生导师


  1. 主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“杨树木质素生物合成途径关键基因SNPs的加性、显性与上位性遗传解析”(项目编号?150500,经费:26.4万元,时间:2016.01-2018.12(/span>

  2. 主持北京市自然科学基金面上项目“毛白杨干旱胁迫响应途径关键基因内SNP/单倍型加性、显性与上位性联合解析”,(项目编号:6172027?017/01-2019/12?150500,经费:20.0万元,时间:2017.01-2019.12(/span>

  3. 主持北京林业大学青年教师中长期项 “林木基因组学与分子设计育种”,(项目编号:2015ZCQ-SW-01,经?50万元,时间:2015.10-2020.12(/span>

  4. 主持北京市优秀人才资助计划课题“北京地区抗旱节水型杨树种质选育关键技术研究?项目编号2015000020124G051,经?万,时间2016?017)、br /> 5. 参与国家重点研发计划课题 “树木次生生长的群体变异遗传解析?项目编号2016YFD0600102,经?20万,时间2016?020)、/span>


  1. 主持完成北京林业大学研究生科技创新计划项目“毛白杨木材形成基因内功能SSR标记的开发及应用”(项目编号BLYJ201201,经?万元?012.1-2013.1)、/span>

  2. 主持完成中国博士后科学基金第57批面上项目(一等资助)“杨树木质素单体合成途径关键酶基因SNP遗传效应解析”(项目编号?015M570041,经费:8.0万元,时间:2014.07-2016.07)、/span>

  3. 主持完成北京林业大学科技创新计划项目“毛白杨候选基因内微卫星标记与木材品质的关联分析”(项目编号:BLX2014-17,经?.0万元,时间:2014.07-2016.07(/span>

  4. 参与完成国家重点基础研究发展计划?73计划)课题“木材品质性状的联合遗传学研究”(课题编号2012CB114506,经?06万元,时?012?016)?nbsp;












1)Qingzhang Du(杜庆章? Chenrui Gong, Qingshi Wang, Daling Zhou, Haijiao Yang, Wei Pan, Bailian Li and Deqiang Zhang*. Genetic architecture of growth traits in Populus revealed by integrated QTL analysis and association studies. New Phytologist, 2016, 209: 1067?082 (SCI, IF = 7.672).
2)Qingzhang Du(杜庆章? Wei Pan, Baohua Xu, Bailian Li, and Deqiang Zhang*. Polymorphic simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci within cellulose synthase (PtoCesA) genes are associated with growth and wood properties in Populus tomentosa. New Phytologist, 2013, 197(3): 763-776. (SCI, IF = 6.888).
3)Qingzhang Du(杜庆章? Jiaxing Tian, Xiaohui Yang, Wei Pan, Baohua Xu, Bailian Li, Par K. Ingvarsson, and Deqiang Zhang. Identification of additive, dominant and epistatic variation conferred by key genes in cellulose biosynthesis pathway in Populus tomentosa. DNA Research, 2015, 22(1), 53?7 (SCI, IF = 5.476)
4)Qingzhang Du(杜庆章? Chenrui Gong, Wei Pan, and Deqiang Zhang*. Development and application of microsatellites in candidate genes involved in wood formation in the Chinese white poplar (Populus tomentosa Carr.). DNA Research, 2013, 20(1): 31-44. (SCI, IF = 5.460)
5)Qingzhang Du(杜庆章? Lu Wang, Xiaohui Yang, Chenrui Gong, and Deqiang Zhang* Populus endo-b-1,4-glucanases gene family: genomic organization, phylogenetic analysis, expression profiles and association mapping. Planta, 2015, 241(6): 1417?434 (SCI, IF=3.376)
6)Qingzhang Du(杜庆章? Deqiang Zhang*, and Bailian Li. Development of 15 novel microsatellite markers from cellulose synthase genes in Populus tomentosa (Salicaceae). American Journal of Botany, 2012, 99(2): e46-e48. (SCI, IF = 3.108)
7)Qingzhang Du(杜庆章? Baohua Xu, Wei Pan, Chenrui Gong, Qingshi Wang, Jiaxing Tian, Bailian Li, and Deqiang Zhang*. Allelic variation in a cellulose synthase gene (PtoCesA4) associated with growth and wood properties in Populus tomentosa. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 2013, 3?1):2069-2084. (SCI, IF = 3.012)
8)Qingzhang Du(杜庆章? Zunzheng Wei, Xing Zhao, Xiaohui Yang, Dong Ci, Deqiang ZhangDissection of additive, dominant, epistatic roles of allelic variation within heat shock factor genes in Chinese indigenous poplar (Populus simonii). Tree Genetics & Genomes, 2016, 12:91 DOI 10.1007/s11295-016-1049-0 (影响因子2.451)
9)Qingzhang Du(杜庆章? Lu Wang, Daling Zhou, Haijiao Yang, Chenrui Gong, Wei Pan, Deqiang Zhang*. Allelic variation within S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolase gene family associated with wood properties in Chinese White Poplar (Populus tomentosa). BMC genetics, 2014, 15(Suppl 1):S4 (SCI, IF = 2.81)
10)Qingzhang Du(杜庆章? Bowen Wang, Zunzheng Wei,Deqiang Zhang*, and Bailian Li. Genetic diversity and population structure of Chinese white poplar (Populus tomentosa) revealed by SSR markers. Journal of Heredity, 2012, 103 (6): 853-862. (SCI, IF = 2.438)
11)Qingzhang Du(杜庆章? Baohua Xu, Chenrui Gong, Xiaohui Yang, Wei Pan,Jiaxing Tian, Bailian Li, Deqiang Zhang*. Variation in growth, leaf, and wood property traits of Chinese white poplar (Populus tomentosa), a major industrial tree species in Northern China. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 2014, 44: 326?39. (SCI, IF = 1.852)
12)Qingzhang Du(杜庆章? Wei Pan, Jiaxing Tian, Bailian Li, and Deqiang Zhang*. The UDP-glucuronate decarboxylase gene family in Populus: structure, expression, and association genetics. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(4): e60880. (SCI, IF = 4.244)
13)Daling Zhou, Qingzhang Du(杜庆章? Jinhui Chen, Qingshi Wang, and Deqiang Zhang*. Identification and allelic dissection uncover roles of lncRNAs in secondary growth of Populus tomentosa. DNA Research, 2017, DOI:10.1093/dnares/dsx0181. 2.
14)Bowen Wang, Qingzhang Du(杜庆章? Xiaohui Yang and Deqiang Zhang. Identification and Characterization of Nuclear Genes Involved in Photosynthesis in Populus. BMC Plant Biology, 2014 14:81 doi:10.1186/1471-2229-14-81
15)Beibei Chen, Qingzhang Du(杜庆章? Jinhui Chen, Xiaohui Yang, Jiaxing Tian, Bailian Li and Deqiang Zhang*. Dissection of allelic interactions among Pto-miR257 and its targets and their effects on growth and wood properties in Populus. Heredity, 2016, doi:10.1038/hdy.2016.26.
16)Jiaxing Tian, Qingzhang Du(杜庆章? Mengqi Chang, and Deqiang Zhang. Allelic variation in PtGA20Ox associates with growth and wood properties in Populus spp. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7(12): e53116.
17)Xiaohui Yang, Qingzhang Du(杜庆章? Jinhui Chen, Bowen Wang, and Deqiang Zhang. Association mapping in Populus reveals the interaction between Pto-miR530a and its target Pto-KNAT1. Planta, 2015, 242(1): 77?5
18)Jiaxing Tian, Qingzhang Du(杜庆章? Bailian Li, and Deqiang Zhang*. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the 5'UTR of UDP-glucose dehydrogenase (PtUGDH) associate with wood properties in Populus tomentosa. Tree Genetics & Genomes, 2014, 10(2): 339?54
19)Zunzheng Wei, Qingzhang Du(杜庆章? Jinfeng Zhang, Bailian Li, and Deqiang Zhang*. Genetic diversity and population structure in Chinese indigenous poplar (Populus simonii) populations using microsatellite markers. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2013,31 (3): 620-632.
20)Xiaohui Yang, Zunzheng Wei, Qingzhang Du(杜庆章? Jinhui Chen, Qingshi Wang, Mingyang Quan, Yuepeng Song, Jianbo Xie and Deqiang Zhang*. The genetic regulatory network centered on Pto-Wuschela and its targets involved in wood formation revealed by association studies. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, 16507; doi: 10.1038/srep16507
21)Jiaxing Tian, Yuepeng Song, QingzhangDu(杜庆章? Xiaohui Yang, Dong Ci, Jinhui Chen, Jianbo Xie, Bailian Li, and Deqiang Zhang*. Population genomic analysis of gibberellin-responsive long noncoding RNAs in Populus. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2016, 67(8): 2467-2482
22)Jianbo Xie, Jiaxing Tian, QingzhangDu(杜庆章? Jinhui Chen, Ying Li, Xiaohui Yang, Bailian Li, and Deqiang Zhang*. Association genetics and transcriptome analysis reveal a GA-responsive pathway involved in regulating photosynthesis. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2016, 10.1093/jxb/erw151
23)Dong Ci, Yuepeng Song, Qingzhang Du(杜庆章? Min Tian, Shuo Han and Deqiang Zhang*. Variation in genomic methylation in natural populations of Populus simonii is associated with leaf shape and photosynthetic traits. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2016, 67(3): 723-737
24)Jiaxing Tian, Mengqi Chang, Qingzhang Du(杜庆章? Baohua Xu, and Deqiang Zhang*. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms in PtoCesA7 and their association with growth and wood properties in Populus tomentosa. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 2014, 289(3): 439?55
25)Baohua Xu, Jiaxing Tian, Qingzhang Du(杜庆章? Chenrui Gong, Wei Pan and Deqiang Zhang*. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in a cellulose synthase gene (PtoCesA3) are associated with growth and wood properties in Populus tomentosa. Planta, 2014, 240(6): 1269?286
26)Zunzheng Wei, Guanyu Zhang, Qingzhang Du(杜庆章? Jinfeng Zhang, Deqiang Zhang* and Bailian Li. Association mapping for morphological and physiological traits in Populus simonii. BMC genetics, 2014, 15(Suppl 1):S3
27)Ying Li, Baohua Xu, Qingzhang Du(杜庆章? and Deqiang Zhang. Association genetics and expression patterns of a CBF4 homolog in Populus under abiotic stress. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 2014, DOI: 10.1007/s00438-014-0967-5
28)Ying Li, Baohua Xu, Qingzhang Du,(杜庆章 and Deqiang Zhang*. Transcript abundance patterns of Populus C-REPEAT BINDING FACTOR2 orthologs and genetic association of PsCBF2 allelic variation with physiological and biochemical traits in response to abiotic stress. Planta, 2015, 242(1): 295?12
29)Longxin Wang, Bowen Wang, Qingzhang Du(杜庆章? Jinhui Chen, Jiaxing Tian, Xiaohui Yang, and Deqiang Zhang*. Allelic variation in PtoPsbW associated with photosynthesis, growth, and wood properties in Populus tomentosa.Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 2017, 292: 77?1
30)Jianbo Xie, Xiaohui Yang, Yuepeng Song, Qingzhang Du(杜庆章? Ying Li, Jinhui Chen, and Deqiang Zhang*. Adaptive evolution and functional innovation of Populus-specific recently evolved miRNAs. New Phytologist, 2017, 213 (1): 206-219
31)Lu Wang, Baolei Wang, Zunzheng Wei, Qingzhang Du(杜庆章? Deqiang Zhang*, and Bailian Li. Development of 35 microsatellite markers from heat stress transcription factors in Populus simonii (Salicaceae). American Journal of Botany, 2012, 99(9): e357-e361.
32)Jinhui Chen, Beibei Chen, Xiaohui Yang, Jiaxing Tian, Qingzhang Du(杜庆章 and Deqiang Zhang*. Association genetics in Populus reveals the interactions between Pt-miR397a and its target genes. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 11672
33)杜庆章, 王博? 王保? 张德强等. 毛白杨木材形成功能基因内 SSR 标记的开发及评价。林业科?010, 46 (11): 8-11.、br /> 34)卫尊征,杜庆章,郭琦,张金凤,李百炼,张德强。小叶杨DREB同源基因内SSR的发现及群体结构分析。植物学? 2010, 45 (5): 556-565、br /> 35)Qingzhang Du(杜庆章? Baohua Xu, Deqiang Zhang*, Bailian Li. Advances in Environmental Research. Volume 25,Construction of a Core Collection of Populus Tomentosa Based on SSR Markers in China. pp. 151-169 Pub. Date: 2012 2nd Quarter,ISBN: 978-1-61942-556-95(参编国际学术专著)

  授权发明专利9br /> 1 张德强,杜庆章,潘炜 “杨属派间不同种亲缘关系的鉴定方法及鉴定试剂盒”中国,ZL201310298553.5:br /> 2 张德强,徐煲铧,杜庆章“SNP位点基因型分型的方法”,中国,ZL201310298870.7:br /> 3)张德强,田佳星,杜庆章“筛选杨树生长和木材品质性状的SNP位点、筛选方法、试剂盒及应用 中国,ZL201310298555.4:br /> 4)张德强,徐煲铧,杜庆章“一种树木SNP位点基因型检测方法”,中国,ZL201310298853.3:/span>

毛白杨绿化树种:景林系列:景?号?号?号?号?号(品种号:20160186-20160188?0160190?0160191(br /> 毛白杨生物质能源树种:林源系列:林源4号?号(品种号:20160194 20160195(/span>



    版权所北京林业大学林木分子育种高精尖创新中忂/span> COPYRIGHT ? 2018 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

    电话9span class="green_text">62336109邮箱BAIC_TBMD@bjfu.edu.cn地址9span class="green_text">北京市海淀区清华东?5叶/span>
