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  1. 目前本人已发表SCI论文10篇。其中以第一作者在进化生物学经典杂志Evolution上发表论文一篇,探讨了同倍性杂交物种和其亲本种间的生殖隔离机制,阐述了生态选择在物种形成过程中所起的重要作用;同时作为共同作者,参与完成多篇SCI论文的发表,包括Molecular Ecology、Molecular Ecology Resources、Frontiers in Plant Science等高水平期刊。
  2. 自2015年6月来瑞典Umea大学王晓茹教授课题组工作期间,搭建用于高通量测序数据分析和群体遗传学分析的服务器,并负责系统维护、软件安装等。
  3. 优化了针叶树GenotypingBy sequencing (GBS) 文库制备流程,可稳定、高效地回收目的片段,用于群体大样本的遗传分析。
  4. 开发了外显子捕获数据的分析流程和有参考基因组和无参考基因组两种情况下的GBS数据分析流程,推动了多个项目的进展。
  5. 参与“生信百科”微信公众号的运维工作,从2017年4月初公众号创立至今,已有用户1815人。本人负责“Shell脚本编程”和“我的群体基因组学”2个专题的撰写,目前已发表博文9篇,总阅读量2942次,总分享次数235次。其中单篇阅读量最高为1329次,单篇分享次数最高为140次。


2009年9月 — 2015年1月:博士研究生,中国科学院植物研究所,系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室

2005年9月 — 2015年6月:本科, 云南大学,生命科学学院,生命科学与技术基地班

2015年6月 — 至今: 博士后,瑞典于默奥大学 (Ume? University) 生态与环境科学系,Ume? Plant Science Centre


  1. Hu XG, Liu H, Zhang JQ, Sun YQ, J YQ, Zhao W, El-Kassaby YA, Wang XR, Mao JF (2016) Global transcriptome analysis ofSabina chinensis(Cupressaceae), a valuable reforestation conifer. Molecular Breeding 36:99.
  2. Hu XG, Liu H, Jin Y, Sun YQ, Li Y, Zhao W, El-Kassaby YA, Wang XR, Mao JF (2016)De novo transcriptome assembly and characterization for the widespread and stress-tolerant coniferPlatycladusorientalis. PLOS ONE 11: e0148985.
  3. Xu YL, Cai NH, He B, Zhang, RL, Zhao W, Mao JF, Duan A, Li Y, Woeste K (2016) Germination and early seedling growth ofPinusdensataMast. Provenances. Journal of Forestry Research 27:283–294.
  4. Gao J, Yang X, Zhao W, Lang TG, Samuelsson T (2015) Evolution, diversification, and expression of KNOX proteins in plants. Frontiers in Plant Science 6: 882.
  5. Meng J, Mao JF, Zhao W, Xing F, Chen X, Liu H, Xing Z, Wang XR, Li Y (2015) Adaptive differentiation in seedling traits in a hybrid pine species complex,Pinusdensataand its parental species, on the Tibetan Plateau. PLoS One 10:e0118501
  6. Zhao W, Meng J, Wang B, Zhang L, Xu Y, Zeng QY, Li Y, Mao JF, Wang XR (2014) Weak crossability barrier but strong juvenile selection supports ecological speciation of the hybrid pinePinusdensataon the Tibetan Plateau. Evolution 68: 3120–3133.
  7. Pan J, Wang B, Pei ZY, Zhao W, Gao J, Mao JF, Wang XR (2014) Optimization of the genotyping-by-sequencing strategy for population genomic analysis in conifers. Molecular Ecology Resources DOI:10.1111/1755-0998.12342.
  8. Xing F, Mao JF, Meng J, Dai J, Zhao W, Liu H, Xing Z. Zhang H, Wang XR, Li Y (2014) Needle morphological evidence of the homoploid hybrid origin ofPinusdensatabased on analysis of artificial hybrids and the putative parents,PinustabuliformisandPinusyunnanensis. Ecology and Evolution 4: 1890–902.
  9. Wang B, Mao JF, Zhao W, Wang XR (2013) Impact of geography and climate on the genetic differentiation of the subtropical pinePinusyunnanensis. PLoS ONE 8: e67345.
  10. Wang B, Mao JF, Gao J, Zhao W, Wang XR (2011) Colonization of the Tibetan Plateau by the homoploid hybrid pinePinusdensata. Molecular Ecology 20: 3796–811.
  11. Dai JF, Meng JX, Mao JF, Zhao W, Liu H, Xing Z, Zhang H, Wang XR, Li Y (2014) Comparison analysis of seedling traits for hybrids betweenPinustabuliformisP. yunnanensisand its parental species inP. densatahabitat site. Journal of Beijing Forestry University 36: 8–14. (In Chinese, with English abstract)
  12. Liang D, Mao JF, Zhao W, Zhou XQ, Yuan HW, Wang LM, Xing FQ, Wang XR, Li Y (2013) Seedling performance of hybrid pinePinusdensataand its parental species in the habitat ofP. tabuliformis. ActaPhytoecologicaSinica 37: 150-163. (In Chinese, with English abstract)
  13. Zhang LS, Dai JF, Gao Q, Liu H, Zhang H, Zhao W, Mao JF, Li Y (2012) Seedling adaptation of hybrid pinePinusdensataand its parental species in the high elevation habitat. Journal of Beijing Forestry University 34: 15–24. (In Chinese, with English abstract)


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