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2009.09-2013.06 河北农业大学,生物技术专业,获理学学士

2013.09-2018.06 江南的注册网址,林木遗传育种专业(硕博连读),获农学博士

2018.06-至今 江南的注册网址,林木分子设计育种高精尖创新中心博士后



2. 参加十三五国家重点研发计划课题,“树木次生生长的群体变异遗传解析”

3. 参加国家自然科学基金面上项目,“毛白杨优异种质资源表观遗传效应及功能解析”

4. 参加国家自然科学基金面上项目,“小叶杨耐高温逆境胁迫特性形成的表观转录调控机制”

5. 参加国家自然科学基金青年项目,“杨树木质素生物合成途径关键基因SNPs的加性、显性与上位性遗传解析”

6. 参加国家自然科学基金青年项目,“小叶杨响应高温与干旱复合逆境胁迫DNA甲基化表观遗传调控”


1. 2018年 第七届梁希青年论文三等奖

  2. 2018年 北京地区高等学校优秀毕业生

  3. 2017年 江南的注册网址第十届研究生学术之星

  4. 2017年 第五届中国林业学术大会优秀报告三等奖

  5. 2016年 博士研究生国家奖学金

  6. 2016年 江南的注册网址第五届研究生学术论坛二等奖

  7. 2016年 江南的注册网址学术创新奖

  8. 2016年 第四届中国林业学术大会优秀论文二等奖

  9. 2015年 江南的注册网址第四届研究生学术论坛优秀论文优秀奖


1. Quan M(权明洋), Du Q, Xiao L et al., (2018) Genetic architecture underlying the lignin biosynthesis pathway involves non-coding RNAs and transcription factors for growth and wood properties in Populus. Plant Biotechnology Journal (IF=7.443)

  2. Quan M (权明洋), Xiao L, Lu W et al. (2018) Association genetics in Populus reveal the allelic interactions of Pto-MIR167a and its targets in wood formation. Frontiers in Plant Science (IF=4.495)

  3. Quan M (权明洋), Wang Q, Phangthavong S et al. (2016) Association studies in Populus tomentosa reveal the genetic interactions of Pto-MIR156c and its targets in wood formation. Frontiers in Plant Science (IF=4.495)

  4. Quan M (权明洋), Tian J, Yang X et al.(2016) Association studies reveal the effect of genetic variation in lncRNA UGTRL and its putative target PtoUGT88A1 on wood formation in Populus tomentosa. Tree Genetics & Genomes (IF=2.132)

  5. Quan M (权明洋), Chen J, Zhang D (2015) Exploring the Secrets of Long Noncoding RNAs. International Journal of Molecular Science (IF=3.257)

  6. Shi W, Quan M (权明洋), Du Q et al (2017) The Interactions between the Long Non-coding RNA NERDL and its target gene affect wood formation in Populus tomentosa. Frontiers in Plant Science (IF=4.495)

  7. Xiao L, Quan M (权明洋), Du Q et al (2017) Allelic interactions among Pto-MIR475b and its four target genes potentially affect growth and wood properties in Populus. Frontiers in Plant Science (IF=4.495)

  8. Chen J, Quan M (权明洋), Zhang D (2015) Genome-wide identification of novel long non-coding RNAs in Populus tomentosa tension wood, opposite wood and normal wood xylem by RNA-seq. Planta (IF=3.239)

  9. Chen J, Xie J, Chen B, Quan M (权明洋) et al. (2016) Genetic variations and miRNA-target interactions contribute to natural phenotypic variations in Populus. New Phytologist (IF=7.210)

  10. Du Q, Yang X, Xie J, Quan M et al. (2018) Time-specific and pleiotropic quantitative trait loci coordinately modulate stem growth in Populus. Plant Biotechnology Journal (IF=7.443)

  11. Gong C, Du Q, Xie J, Quan M (权明洋) et al. (2017) Dissection of insertion-deletion variants within differentially expressed genes involved in wood formation in Populus. Frontiers in Plant Science (IF=4.495)

  12. Wang Q, Ci D, Li T, Li P, Song Y, Chen J, Quan M (权明洋) et al. (2016) The Role of DNA Methylation in Xylogenesis in Different Tissues of Poplar. Frontiers in Plant Science (IF=4.495)

  13. Yang X, Wei Z, Du Q, Chen J, Wang Q, Quan M (权明洋) et al. (2015) The genetic regulatory network centered on Pto-Wuschela and its targets involved in wood formation revealed by association studies. Scientific Reports (IF=5.228)


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