
点击数:更新日期: 2018-04-02


何正斌 副教授、博士生导师

性 别:男









2017/12-2018/12,加拿大多伦多大学,访问学者,合作导师:颜宁 教授


2014/07-2016/07,江南的注册网址,生物学院,博士后,合作导师:林金星 教授

2012/09-2014/07,江南的注册网址,木材科学与技术,博士,导师:伊松林 教授

2009/09-2012/07,江南的注册网址,木材科学与技术,硕士,导师:伊松林 教授

2005/09-2009/07,江南的注册网址,木材科学与工程(家具设计与制造方向),学士,导师:母军 教授


本科生课程: 木制品生产工艺学、木材制材与干燥学、数字化家具制造技术、木材干燥学B、木材干燥及热改性

研究生课程: 木材干燥理论、家具工艺设计


主要从事木材干燥及家具制造研究,包括木材节能干燥、木材功能性改良和家具智能制造相关的基础理论及应用研究。主持了包括国家自然科学基金(青年基金)项目、实木定制家具智能制造技术研发项目、木材太阳能预干技术和教育部产学合作协同育人项目等12项,参与国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金项目、国家林业局林业标准制修订项目和横向课题等13项;以第一/责任作者先后在《Industrial Crops and Products》、《Ultrasonics Sonochemistry》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》、《Wood Science and Technology》、《Holzforschung》、《化工进展》和《储能科学》等国内外学术期刊上发表论文60余篇,其中SCI 论文48篇;参与申请发明专利40余项,授权32项,转让1项;主编《木材干燥理论》、《家具智能制造技术》和《太阳能干燥技术及应用》等专著/教材5部,参编专著1部;参加国内外学术会议并做大会报告4次;曾获梁希林业科学技术二等奖、梁希林业科学技术三等奖、江南的注册网址教学成果二等奖和青年教师教学基本功比赛三等奖等奖项7项。








1. He Luxi, Zhang Tianfang, Zhao Yuxin, Gao Jingjing, Zhang Yihao, Yang Yihang, He Zhengbin*(何正斌), Yi Songlin*. Effect of natural tung oil on wood shrinkage during the thermal modification process. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022: 134450,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.134450.

2. Luxi He, Tianfang Zhang, Xiangyu Zhao, Jingjing Gao, Zhengbin He *(何正斌), Songlin Yi *. Improvement in hygroscopicity and dimensional stability of bamboo through a synthetic modifcation of maleic anhydride with tung oil heat treatment. Wood Science and Technology, 2022,https://doi.org/10.1007/s00226-022-01410-0.

3. Luxi He, Tianfang Zhang, Jingjing Gao, Jing Qian, Xiangyu Zhao, He Zhengbin*(何正斌), Yi Songlin*. Drying characteristics, hygroscopicity, and dimensional stability of natural tung oil dried bamboo, European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 2022,https://doi.org/10.1007/s00107-022-01866-8.

4. Zhao Xiangyu, He Luxi, Zhang Tianfang, Gao Jingjing, He Zhengbin*(何正斌), Yi Songlin*. Development of metallic wood with enhanced physical, mechanical, and thermal conduction properties based on a self-driven penetration mechanism. Industrial Crops and Products 2022, 183: 114960.

5. Jing Qian, Jingjing Gao, Zhengbin He*(何正斌), Songlin Yi*. Self-shrinking Ailanthus altissima substrate obtained by ultrasonic-assisted treatment: Density and pore structure characteristics. Industrial Crops and Products, 2022. 175: 114221.

6. Lijie Qu, Jing Qian, Luxi He, Zhengbin He*(何正斌), Songlin Yi*. Improving color stabilization in thermally modified wood by pretreatment with aluminum sulfate vacuum impregnation. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 2022, 80(2), 331-343.

7. Tianfang Zhang, Jingjing Gao, Luxi He, Zhengbin He*(何正斌), Songlin Yi*. Effects of combined zinc chloride-ultrasound pretreatment and thermal modification on the physicochemical properties of Moso bamboo. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2021, 126:223-230.

8. Jing Qian, Fengbin Zhao, Jingjing Gao, LiJie Qu, Zhengbin He*(何正斌), Songlin Yi*. Characterization of the structural and dynamic changes of cell wall obtained by ultrasound-water and ultrasound-alkali treatments. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2021, 77: 105672.

9. Qian Jing, Gao Jingjing, Zhao Fengbin, He Luxi, Zhang Tianfang, He Zhengbin*(何正斌), Yi Songlin*. How does ultrasound influence the thermal stability of wood? Industrial Crops & Products, 2021, 170, 113761.

10. Lijie Qu, Jing Qian, Jingjing Gao, Zhenyu Wang, Zhengbin He*(何正斌), Songlin Yi*. Effect of aluminum sulfate impregnation heat joint treatment on color changes of Chinese fir. Wood Science and Technology, 2021, 55: 379-401.

11. Lijie Qu, Jing Qian, Jingjing Gao, Zhenyu Wang, Zhengbin He*(何正斌), Songlin Yi*. Preparation and characterization of hydrophobic coatings on wood surfaces by a sol-gel method and post-aging heat treatment. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2021, 183: 109429.

12. Lijie Qu, Zhenyu Wang, Jing Qian, Zhengbin He*(何正斌), Songlin Yi*. Effects of aluminum sulfate soaking pretreatment on dimensional stability and thermostability of heat-treated wood. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 2021,79: 189-198.

13. He Zhengbin*(何正斌), Qu Lijie, Wang Zhenyu, Qian Jing, Yi Songlin*. Evaluation of the hygroscopicity and dimensional stability of silicone oil treated wood. Holzforschung, 2020, 74: 811-815.

14. Qian Jing, Li Yajing, Gao Jingjing, He Zhengbin*(何正斌), Yi Songlin*. The Effect of Ultrasonic Intensity on Physicochemical Properties of Chinese Fir. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2020, 104985.

15. Zhengbin He*(何正斌), Jing Qian, Lijie Qu, Ning Yan, Songlin Yi*. Effects of Tung oil treatment on wood hygroscopicity, dimensional stability and thermostability. Industrial Crops and Products, 2019, 140: 111647.

16. Zhenyu Wang, Lijie Qu, Jing Qian, Zhengbin He*(何正斌), Songlin Yi*. Effects of the ultrasound-assisted pretreatments using borax and sodium hydroxide on the physicochemical properties of Chinese fir. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2019, 50: 200-207.

17. Zhengbin He*(何正斌), Zhenyu Wang, Lijie Qu, Jing Qian, Songlin Yi*. Modeling and simulation of heat-mass transfer and its application in wood thermal modification. Results in Physics, 2019, 13: 102213.

18. He Zhengbin*(何正斌), Qu Lijie, Wang Zhenyu, Qian Jing, Yi Songlin*. Effects of zinc chloride–silicone oil treatment on wood dimensional stability, chemical components, thermal decomposition and its mechanism. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9(1): 1601.

19. He Zhengbin*(何正斌), Qian Jing, Qu Lijie, Wang Zhenyu, Yi Songlin*. Simulation of moisture transfer during wood vacuum drying. Results in Physics, 2019, 12: 1299-1303.

20. He Zhengbin*(何正斌), Qian Jing, Wang Zhenyu, Yi Songlin*, Mu Jun. Effects of ultrasound pretreatment on eucalyptus thermal decomposition characteristics as determined by thermogravimetric, differential scanning calorimetry, and Fourier Transform Infrared analysis. ACS Omega, 2018, 3(6): 6611-6616.

21. Zhengbin He*(何正斌), Zhenyu Wang, Zijian Zhao, Songlin Yi*, Jun Mu, Xiaoxu Wang. Influence of ultrasound pretreatment on wood physiochemical structure. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2017, 34: 136-141.

22. He Zhengbin*(何正斌), Zhang Yu., Qiu Shu., Zhao Zijian, Yi Songlin. Water distribution during ultrasoundassisted vacuum drying of wood. Wood Research, 2016, 61: 341-350.

23.何正斌,赵小矛和伊松林.家具智能制造技术[M],中国林业出版社, 2022 (国家林草局十三五规划教材).

24.何正斌和伊松林.木材干燥理论[M].中国林业出版社, 2016 (国家林草局十三五规划教材).

25.伊松林,张璧光和何正斌.太阳能干燥技术及应用[M],化学工业出版社, 2021.

26.何正斌,伊松林,李金朋,曲丽洁,钱京.一种小径材的实木化利用方法(ZL 202011163690.4).

27.何正斌,伊松林,钱京,曲丽洁,王振宇.一种利用太阳能连续干燥木材的燥装置及方法(ZL 201910153981.6).

28.何正斌,万倩,伊松林,张天放,何璐茜,王铭婕.一种室内用相变储能装置及其铺装方法(ZL 202110275667.2).

29.何正斌,万倩,伊松林,何璐茜,肖浩南.检测木材夜晚进行干燥的过程中含水率变化值的方法(ZL 201911328958.2).

30.何正斌,伊松林,王振宇,王铭婕,钱京,曲丽洁,母军.测定木材或/和木单板热加工过程中回收废气余热的方法(ZL 202010342050.3).
